Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Nine steps to maintain a positive body language

1-      Make eye contact – Candidates often gaze down, look at the wall behind the interviewers or simply look away from them. Never, ever lose eye contact with your interviewers. Making friendly eye contact can instantly connect you with them and build trust and likeability. But remember , don’t stare
2-      Smile – Interviews are stressful. But you can make them look and feel easier by smiling, both for you and your interviewers. Keeping a straight or nervous face is not a way to engage your audience. Smile genuinely. Your interviewers might burst with laughter at a point. Its okay to laugh with them, but keep it to a minimum. You don’t want to come across as a clown.
3-      Have a firm handshake – The handshake, and how you lead up to it, makes an immense first impression. Approach your interviewers with a smile and give a firm handshake that exerts a comfortable pressure. Don’t show off a vice-like grip. A limp and floppy handshake is equally bad. If you are nervous and sweating, wipe your hand before entering in the room.
4-      Don’t fidget – Fidgeting with your hands is extremely distracting. Don’t pop your knuckles or bite your nails or skin around them during the interview
5-      Don’t make unnecessary body movements – Hand gestures are used to convey important points. But overdoing it is pointless. Rolling your eyes , however tempting , conveys disdain , impatience and disrespect. Avoid it. Don’t keep shaking your leg. Finally , don’t nod at everything.Thinking that it will stand you in good stead is wrong. It is normal to nod in agreement when you genuinely agree with what is being said, But avoid it when you don’t. Similarly , don’t shake your head if you disagree with something. Express your disagreement by speaking facts and logic.
6-      Don’t touch your face or hair - Touching your face or hair often sends out message that you are either nervous , or dishonest. Avoid it.
7-      Don’t dither and don’t ever swear -- Try your best to avoid phonetic fillers such as “umm” , “you know” and “like” while talking .Swear words , it goes without saying , are a complete “no”
8-      -- Don’t rush --Try not to rush through your speech and miss out important points. Running out of time can make you look unprepared. Don’t speak fast , speak clearly  instead. Put across  your thoughts and ideas , rather than finishing your speech.

9-      Sit straight , don’t slouch  -- When you take the seat opposite your interviewers , sit in a relaxed and professional manner. Don’t be stiff and don’t slouch. The former may make you look prudish and the letter will make you look messy, disrespectful and even lazy. Also, don’t cross your arms. Your interviewers may assume you are closed off , defensive or simply bored.