Thursday, July 16, 2015

Success Mantras By Dr. Subhash Chandra (Television Industry Stalwart )

Agar khuda ki meherbani ho, dil mein kuch kar guzarne ki aag ho, toh uchai bhi tujhe jhuk ke haath de"

Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence today

Whatever you want to do, do it wholeheartedly with total consideration, total thought in that issue, 'Think about it, drink it, sleep it, be with that issue and success will definitely come to you

When you are in a herd mentality or a mob mentality, you cannot be creative

Innovation is not a function of money

You have to develop consciousness, you have to be compassionate and creativity will come to you automatically and certainly your business will be more successful

Negativity can also be a talent

A negative person can be an asset for a company

Every person is capable of turning negativity into positivity

Take inspiration from everyone, but pave your own path

Word of mouth publicity is the best form of publicity

You need to be focused to succeed in life

Weigh your strengths, overcome your weakness and then put up a fight

Honesty will definitely get you success

It is possible to be successful in business by being honest

Leadership is a talent & talent cannot be acquired.

You are either born a leader or not

You don’t need to be a leader to succeed in life

Women are the most powerful beings in the universe

Ensure that you are well aware about your role before joining an organization

Always ensure that you communicate your thoughts with your manager

Higher pay packets can make an employee insecure

Instead of cutting smaller businessmen you should join hands with them after realizing their strengths

You should always know the strengths & weaknesses of your competitors

Negativity is a disease

You fail only when you accept your failure

Don’t associate faith only with religion

An employee doesn’t leave a company but his leader

Talent, knowledge & skill are three different things

If placed in a wrong department one is bound to become a bad performer

Fear of failure reflects a defeatist attitude

Meditation helps you keep a cool head even in testing times

It is important to value the talent you have in a company

Complacency at work can lead to your downfall

If a leader is honest then his subordinates will be honest too

It’s only when you feel redundant that you strive to diversify & start something new

If you are focused then no one can discourage you from following your heart

You should take only that amount of risk that you can handle

A challenger always assesses a company’s weaknesses

Every big player in the business world was a startup once

No work is below your dignity

Never try to control a talented person

Make time your friend and not your enemy

A delay of 5 minutes can change the course of your life

Time management can make a person extraordinary

Time management teaches you honesty

 Time management is equivalent to life management

If you live in your past you will always have regrets

Acceptance is the key to a positive state of mind

Bringing discipline in your life will help you overcome all negative situations & feelings

Communication is not confined to verbal communication

Social media is good for addressing the masses

Change your attitude and life will change for the better

A successful person builds a strong foundation with the bricks that are thrown at him

Success should not be limited to monetary gains

Hard-work & fate go hand in hand

Aspiring for a better life is not greed

The person who puts you down is a person with no standard

The person who has too much is often the most greedy

Don’t be possessive but do protect your relationships

Conflicts make bonds stronger

Don’t let a relationship become transactional

A true leader creates more future leaders

You don’t necessarily have to be a leader to succeed in life

A leader never fears competition

Every person is capable of creating a legacy

You can find motivation anywhere but the desire to excel should come from within

The new generation is talented enough to create a legacy

It’s only when you treat today as the last day of your life that tomorrow will be the first day

Don’t get defeated by defeat, learn from it

Being fearless will help you in taking dynamic decisions

Accept the realities of your life & do not run away from fear

Living life is an art & the technique comes to us naturally but gradually

It won’t be honest to live your life unless you express your feelings

Living is an art

A human being’s life is worthless without a purpose

Live every day as if it is your last & learn as if you are to live forever

Self doubt creates negativity, you should learn to trust yourself

Experience is also wealth that you have acquired, don’t forget to share it

A confident man would never seek answers for his problems in others

Failure should not be taken as defeat

Questioning things does not turn you into a rebel instead it helps you understand other people’s decisions & your circumstances better

An entrepreneur does not fear from taking risk

If you are trustworthy then the world will reflect the same sentiment

Life won’t be easy for an honest person but he would be praised for his honesty even by his enemies

Being silent is not a sign of weakness

One should never aspire for material gains only

Taking challenges is also a talent one is born with

Aspirations can change with age & circumstances

To keep your mind in the present is a habit & it takes time to form a habit

You should design your aspirations according to your talent

Never take your failure as defeat

Always see obstacles as opportunities

Be positive even when you are unsuccessful

Destiny is nothing but a belief, believe in yourself & you will succeed

No business can be a success without innovation

Just money won’t help you retain talent

A great performer might not necessarily transform into a great leader

Lack of good health curbs success

Yoga means uniting the body & mind, it has nothing to do with religion

Half baked knowledge can only mislead a person

If a family member becomes your competitor don’t hate him but help him

A business should be run by the system & not a person

If you infuse your employees with trust & ownership they will help make your business a success

Being a responsible corporate citizen is more important than engaging in any CSR activity

Businessmen should have community spirit

Every corporate should understand his duty towards the society

I met people and realized that news media hasn’t lost all of its credibility

News should be seen as a medium that empowers people

People today want news that fills them with positivity & helps them excel in life

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