Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Top 5 Qualities to be a good presenter

Don't Take Yourself Seriously

You must be able to laugh  yourself.

Do Not Think You Know More Than Your Audience

Why audience , even when you are speaking one to one, don't feel that you know more than the other. If you do , you will have the tendency to talk down to others , which is a complete put-off.

Play To Your Strengths

Some like to have their whole speech written out, While some prefer to carry only a few points. Others like to speak impromptu or from memory. Go with what you are comfortable with. I, for example am a disaster when it comes to reading out a speech. But remember however you may choose to give your speech , you must connect with the audience. So if you are reading it out , don't get sucked into your sheets. Look up, look around.

Be Relaxed

Easier said than done, but this comes with practice. Its good to have a butterflies in your stomach.Different speaker handle pre-stage stress differently. Some do breathing exercises, while others prefer to sit alone in quiet solitude for a few minutes or listen to music or be among friends chatting casually.

Know Your Content

You must know what you will be taking about. I would say that all other qualities make up 49% content is 51% finally.

Best Of Luck For Your Next Presentation 

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