Monday, January 11, 2016

Strategy For Interview

Interviews are the most important aspect of a professional life.  Interviews are aimed at your academic knowledge, awareness of current topics and affairs, communication skills; the clarity of thought and expression, poise and sense of balance and ability to solve the problems. One of the most fundamental factors that contribute to the success of an interview is the time and quality of preparation made by you. The degree of preparedness for an interview helps reduce the uncertainty and anxiety prior to the interview. The amount of effort you wish to put into the preparation is directly proportional to the importance of interview.

Pre Planning Interview

Prior to the interview, through preplanning should be carried out to increase your confidence and gear you for the anticipated grilling. Before you go for an interview make sure of the following:
·         Revise your bio-data/resume/c.v thoroughly. Try to form your own questions on the basis of it. Answer them to your full satisfaction.
·         Check your bio-data / resume /c. v for grammatical and spelling errors. A mistake in grammar or spelling creates an unfavorable situation in front of you. Employer needs a zero error resume/c.v.
·         Systematically arrange all your certificates and mark sheets in a decent folder. You should be able to produce the required document without delay.
·         Try to collect as much information about the organization and concerning industry. For example if you are going to interview for an advertising company; you must know about the facts and figures of advertising industry and detailed information of the particular information.
·         Be sure about your hobbies. For example: If you have mentioned reading as a hobby, be sure about what you have been reading. The interviewer needs a sincere reply.
·         Be clear about your favorite subject and refresh your knowledge about it.
·         Be sure you wear the proper dress for the interview. Never go without a tie. Avoid T-Shirts, narrow jeans etc. For ladies wear simple colors  and avoid heavy make up.
·         A well groomed look gives an image of thoroughness and professionalism.
·         Carry a good pen and a small notebook for note down  anything.
You should list your achievements –academic qualification ,prior experience  and extra curricular activities. Certificates and photographs may authenticate such achievements or claims.The important ones may be photo stated and attached with the bio-data while the original of all the certificate should be neatly cataloged in a folder and kept at hand for reference , should the interviewer ask.

Essentials For Success In Interview

If you are looking for a lucrative career opportunity you might be preparing yourself to be interviewed by various organizations. You must expect the unexpected . Gone are the days when a single interviewer asked questions that simply expanded on your resume. Today you might find yourself face to face with employees you’d work with, if hired. An interviewer may hand a sheet of paper and ask you to write down the reasons you should be offered the prospective job or you could find yourself, along with other applicants, being asked to solve a problem collectively.

Put Your Best Foot Forward
Regardless of the format, expect team interviews to be challenging. The initial exchange with the interview team is the most difficult and decisive. At this point you and your interviewer evaluating each other. During those few minutes strong impressions can be formed which will last a long time. For this reason you must realize the importance of external items and mannerisms. How you inter the room, your clothes and accessories, the way you shake hands , your facial expression , eye contact , your voice – everything creates an impression. If you make a good first impression, strive to make it better during the meeting. As a candidate, your goal is to find out whether the company’s environment matches your interest and values. Your prospective employer in his turn is trying to decide if your personality and background fit its culture and ambiance.
Essential Tactics

Team interviews are more challenging than traditional one to one encounters. But when handledwell, you can show several people at once. You may not be told in advance that you have the right potential. You may not be told in advance that you’ll be interviewed by a team, be prepared for this possibility. You must forge ahead with confidence and tackle each query bravely and coolly. Once your interviewers’ start getting impressed it will be on their faces and you have won .Remember, your interviewers can be and want you to succeed.
The following tips can improve your encounters with interviewing teams.
1-      Alter your answers -   If you are called back for subsequent interviews after the preliminary one, you will face different interviewers .So, find ways to make the same information sound different. Don’t describe the same project you managed to all the interviewers. Instead ,describe a different project in each of the successive interviews.
2-      Activate your interpersonal antennae – As quickly as possible, try to read the various personality types and adjust to them.
3-      Expect to feel additional stress-   You would have vey little time to frame your answers unlike during traditional interviews, when the interviewer might take notes before asking another question. But with several people doing the questioning, you can’t have the luxury, because while one person is taking notes, another will fire the next questions.
4-      Recognize that interviewers too are human - Most understand that you are nervous and will try to make the experience as comfortable as possible. They are not interested in seeing you squirm. Their job is to determine if your talents will match the opening.
5-      Practise hard- Gather together some friends , siblings or relatives with different personalities and have them to ask a series of questions without pausing in between. This should replicate an actual team –interview situation. Ask for feedback on which of your answers impressed the mock interviewers and why so.
6-      Know what characteristics to emphasize-  List the 10 traits associated with the position you are seeking and prepare to demonstrate them during the session. Would creativity, presentation or facilitation skills be important?  .Ask people who are familiar with the kind of job you are seeking to create short tests that might allow you to illustrate your skills.
7-      Ask intelligent questions ,do not state the obvious -  If you have done your homework , you will know the organizations’ culture and how you will fit in. Ask questions that reflect your knowledge of that culture. But don’t overdo it.
8-      Read between the lines- With several people asking questions consecutively, you won’t have much time to prepare a response. However, if you read people well, you will be able to respond to the concern underlying the interviewer’s questions. Picking up on and responding to these issues is certain to impress the interview team. For instance , if an  interviewers say  “ here at ABC we have a long tradition of teamwork,”  what he or she wants to know is , “ How good are your teamwork skills?”.

One Word Of Advice :Sell Yourself 

Sell yourself. Learn as much as possible about the vacant position,  thecompany, and the interviewers themselves. The more detailed information you have about the company and the position, the better prepared you are likely to be. Visit the company website, if it has done and acquire detailed information about it.
·         Preparing questions – No matter how thorough the employer is in the interview, you must ask the questions. This demonstrates interest and thinking ability.
·         Asking , “What is the next step”?—Tell the employer you were intrigued prior to the interview and now even more.
·         Emphasizing on the areas of your background-Think of specific examples that demonstrate this.

Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions

Listed below are the most 10 most commonly asked interview questions? A well thought out answer to each of these questions, prepared and rehearsed in advance with the logical sequencing of the events will help.

·         Tell us about yourself?
·         Why do you want to join us?
·         What would you like to do in five years time?
·         Do you prefer working with others or alone?
·         What are your biggest accomplishments?
·         What are your favourite subjects ?
·         Why should we hire you?
·         What are your hobbies?
·         What is the most difficult situation you have faced and handled?
·         What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?

Some Practical Hints
·         Remember, the competition is very tough. Every mistake committed by you will turn into an advantage for the other candidates. Hence, be very particular about your preparations. Do not leave anything for chance or the last minute.
·         Strictly adhere to the model code of conduct given above. If you deviate from it, you will be doing it at your own risk.
·         Remember that in an interview, you have to sell yourself. Do not remain under any illusions of your achievements.
·         Be very particular about what you have write in the bio-data sheet. The entire material should be checked twice and spelling errors should be removed. There should be no grammatical errors in the descriptive type questions in the bio-data sheet

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