Monday, April 6, 2015

Case Study Analysis

How to solve case study analysis

A case study is best described as well knit short story that presents essential information and data on corporate operations. A case study in management takes a holistic view of corporate operations as opposed to say marketing or an operations study. In this reference , the words of Rudyards Kipling “ I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew ); Their names are what and why and when ; and how and where and who”
Case studies may be of three types
  • ·         Problem oriented case study
  • ·         Overall information about an organization
  • ·         Leadership style case study

Simple guidelines during CS analysis are:

  • ·         Vision, mission and objectives
  • ·         External environmental analysis
  • ·         Internal analysis and assessment
  • ·         Types of strategies
  • ·         Strategic analysis and choice
  • ·         Competitive advantage and value chain.

Why Case Study Analysis Is Done

More or less the primary reason can be given as the binding of the syllabus but there are another standardization reasons for case study analysis?
  • ·         Assessing situations
  • ·         Sorting out and organizing key information
  • ·         Defining problems and opportunities
  • ·         Identifying and evaluating alternatives course of action
  • ·         Evaluating the result of past strategies
  • ·         Critically evaluating the work of others
  • ·         Interpreting data
  • ·         Making decision under conditions of uncertainty

9 Golden Rules For Case Study Analysis

  • ·         Go through the case twice, once for a quick review and once to gain a full command of the facts.

  • ·         Make a complete list of the problems and issues that the company’s management needs to address.

  • ·         Be through in your analysis of the company’s situation. Identify issues and make a minimum of one or two pages of notes detailing your diagnosis.

  • ·         Use every opportunity to apply the concepts and analytical tools.

  • ·         Do enough number crunching to discover the story told by the data represented in the case.

  • ·         Support any and all opinions with well reasoned arguments and numerical evidence. Replace “I Think” and “ I feel” with “My analysis Shows”

  • ·         Prioritize your suggestions and make sure they can be carried out in an acceptable time frame with the available resources.

  • ·         Support each suggestion with persuasive arguments and reasons as to why it makes sense and should result in improved company performance.

  • ·         Review your suggested plans to see if it addresses all the problems and issues you identified.

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