Monday, April 6, 2015

Bollywood, the nickname for Hindi film industry, is not just creating films for entertainment with all that masala stuff but depicting the lessons for life. Some of them are great inspiration for the society as well as acts as an unflattering mirror to our ever-changing society.
Some of bollywood movies place really good example of Indian management likeChak De, Swades, Lagaan, and many others.
The movie “Chak De India” starring Shahrukh Khan and a bunch of endearing young women made an entry in the books of management and attracted the world of management professionals.

Management Lessons from ‘3 Idiots’ Movie
·         Never Try to Be Successful
Success is the bye-product. Excellence always creates success. So, never run after the success, let it happen automatically in the life.

Freedom To Life
Don’t die before actual death. Live every moment to the fullest as you are going to die today night. Life is gifted to humankind to live, live & live @ happiness.
·         Passion Leads To Excellence
When your hobby becomes your profession and passion becomes your profession. You will be able to lead up to excellence in the life.
Satisfaction, pleasure, joy and love will be the outcome of following passion. Following your passion for years, you will surely become something one day.

·         Life Is Emotion Management Not Intelligence Optimization
Memory and regular study have definite value and it always helps you in leading a life. You are able to survive even if you can make some mark in the path of the life. With artificial intelligence, you can survive and win but you cannot prove yourself genius. Therefore, in this process genius dies in you.

·         Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention
Necessity creates pressure and forces you to invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiality.
Aamir Khan in this film, 3 idiots, is able to prove in the film by using vacuum pump at the last moment.
·         Simplicity is Life
Life is need base never want base. Desires have no ends. Simplicity is way of life and Indian culture highly stresses on simple living and high thinking, and this is the way of life: ‘Legs down to earth and eyes looking beyond the sky’
·         Industrial Leadership
Dean of the institute in 3 idiots is showing very typical leadership. He has his own principles, values and ideology, and he leads the whole institute accordingly. This is an example of current institutional leadership. In the present scenario, most of the institutes are fixed in a block or Squarish thinking.
·         Importance Of One Word In Communication
If communication dies, everything dies. Each word has impact and value in communication. One word if used wrongly or emphasized wrongly or paused at a wrong place in communication what effect it creates and how is it affected is demonstrated very well in this movie.

Lagaan is the story of a leader (Bhuvan) who develops the cricket team,did not known about western management, do not have any idea about TQM, or but he developed the team spirit, united all the villagers, motivated them and ultimately attained the objective i.e. won the match against the British  because to win the match, to create an affective team was his sadhana and he attained his goal.

 A Lesson in Entrepreneurship:
The protagonist in the movie i.e. Bhuvan’s character is risk taking, responsible, confident, encouraging; supportive with a ‘never say die’ attitude which is an intrinsic character for any manager.
It was the village ingenuity of Bhuvan that gave him the idea to challenge the British in a cricket match and getting exempted from the tax “Lagaan” levied on them. Otherwise the villagers couldn’t have payed the tax in aftermath of a drought. Such risk taking and “thinking out of the box” is required for every new venture or a commercial startup.

 A Lesson In Teamwork
The relentless pursuit of Bhuvan coupled with some team spirit and co-operation made the villagers form a cricket team. A cricket team that went on to beat an established, professional and well equipped British team.  Bhuvan upholded this saying throughout “fear not; only believe”.
Giving his vision to his team that they can win and get through the tax debt by winning a cricket match was key element that how to handle a team. Convincing people is very tough; the way Bhuvan did it was really very good.
The learnings from Bhuvan’s team can be.
“spirit and power of team work”
“will power and determination”
“unity and focus on common goal”
 A lesson of relentless spirit to fight
There was terrible start to Bhuvans cricket match idea. The problem was villagers didn’t know how to play it …some couldn’t wield the bat. But Bhuvan with the help of Elizabeth led them secretly to a real cricket match of the British team and later on emulated that in their own fields.
The team later on learnt by imitating Bhuvan and managed to get hold of the game. This gives an important lesson “Accept the challenge, be open-minded”. It tells us even if you don’t know something you can learn and achieve it what is needed is perhaps the zeal and willingness to learn.
Other lessons that we can learn & teach from the movie.
·         The importance of learning to survive & win.

·         The importance of accepting & working with diversity.

·         The need for a “can do” spirit, a positive attitude and the importance of fighting the typical Indian despondency.

·         The need to stay focused single-mindedly on Results
the importance of being objective & unbiased.

·         The importance of trust despite betrayal.

·         The importance of learning to manage and work with limitations and minimum resources.


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