Monday, April 6, 2015

Most Innovative Practices of Marketing

Most Innovative Practices of Marketing

Most innovative practices of marketing are well known to create penetration and depth in customer reach that have remained practically impossible for many successive ages. We would introduce here some of the greatest and most innovative & creative practices of marketing in the global business scenario.
It is now needless to say that innovation plays the leadership role in all functional disciplines of the business and marketing being the most rigorous and instrumental in creating the success stories of market penetration and expansion requires innovative measures and continuous research more persistently than other business functions. Following the globalization and its worldwide business trends most of the large corporations and aspiring small as well as medium companies are driving innovative marketing strategies and initiatives in the global scale to obtain better stability and reach in market. Most innovative practices of marketing are well known to create penetration and depth in customer reach that have remained practically impossible for many successive ages. We would introduce here some of the greatest and most innovative and creative practices of marketing in the global business scenario.

Marketing through Web(Online)

The present age is distinctly marked by the dominance of internet, web based services, mobile telephony and related technological as well as virtual world of communication. Naturally the practice of marketing also had to follow this and as a result the new world of web based marketing opened the door for all the small, medium and large business companies across the world. With the practice of web based marketing now a small or medium sized company can compete with a large multinational company in the marketing of services and products and web based marketing as one of the most innovative practices of marketing makes a wide array of innovations possible in different segments of products and services.

Effective Promotion through Social Media Marketing(SMM)
Social media sites in the present world of information technology users are most popular and the world population is increasingly becoming dependent on the sharing platforms of social media sites in various regards. Naturally large business companies have started to target these sites as the mass platform for the purpose of their brand promotion and various functions of marketing. Effective promotion through social media sites is considered to be one of the most innovative practices of marketing potential of which to target global audience is huge.

Marketing through new technological application

In the recent years we have witnessed number of mobility brands to come up with completely new range of software and product applications that paved the way for a new attitude towards marketing initiatives. Today it is a well-known fact that research in the user friendliness of the interface, operating platforms and content applications paved the way for the success of many large companies like Apple, Samsung, etc. This new approach of incorporating technological innovations into the marketing strategy is one of the most innovative marketing practices in the present era.

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